Celio da Silveira slideshow

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ABC News
What Texting Does to the Spine
Looking down at a cell phone is the equivalent of placing a 60-pound weight on one's neck. Read article
ABC News Demstify Back Pain
Simple, no-drug way to ease back pain. See the video or read article
NPR public radio More Back Pain Research
feature: "Alexander Technique: A Balm For Back Pain?" Read article
Alexander Technique helping musicians Helping Musicians
Alexander Tecnhique: Musician's Method for Improvement; Students of The Juilliard School talk about their experiences with the technique
Brené Brown: Listening to shame Habitual Misunderstanding
Brené Brown: Listening to shame. Shame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior.






During a lesson the teacher guides the student – with hands and verbal feedback – on a journey of observation and increased awareness of their use and functioning. The student practices familiar movement activities, as simple as sitting, standing and walking. After the student absorbs the principles of the Technique, they can apply them to any activity, from singing to playing an instrument, from using a computer to cooking, and so on. A typical lesson lasts 45 minutes to one hour, exploring movement through specific procedures, and usually ends with the restorative and calming experience of the active rest (table work). See image below.

The lessons help us learne three important skills:

Awareness - Sensory appreciation
Become more conscious about harmfull movement patherns. In another words, repetitive habits that create problems for us.

A Pause before Action (Inhibition)
Underastand by using the principles of the Alexander Technique, to control and manage body pain and disconfort In the "Era of information", there are so many stimuli—like TV, computers, and smartphones—that it becomes more and more difficult to stay present enough to choose the best for ourselves in every moment.

The thinking process that enables the student to orient their body in space as they move. Changing the concept of "position." Find the fluidity of movement the human body was designed for. Through exercises/procedures the student learns to create more balance and coordination.

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